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Here are 10 tips for easy DIY hair masks made with simple ingredients you probably already have in your kitchen.


1. Avocado

Avocado has a well-deserved reputation for one of nature’s perfect foods. Its oils and proteins will smooth and moisturize your locks without weighing down fine hair.Mash up half an avocado and add a couple of drops of peppermint essential oil. Shampoo hair, squeeze out water and apply mask. Let it sit for 15 minutes and then rinse. My hair came out super soft – not flat or greasy. And the added scent made sitting around with green goop on your head much more pleasant. If you’re not worried about weighing down your hair you can amp up the moisture by adding 1-2 tablespoons of oil, egg yolk or yogurt.

2. Coconut Oil

The wonders of coconut oil never cease! This oil is heavy, which is great for penetrating deep into the hair shaft, but use it sparingly, especially if you have fine or thin hair. Take a tablespoon of coconut oil and apply to the ends of damp hair. If the oil is solid just warm in the microwave until liquid before applying. Got really dry hair? Keep the oil on overnight and shampoo out in the morning.

3. Banana + Olive Oil

Not only can bananas work their magic on your feet, but they are awesome for your hair! Mix a banana with 1 tablespoon of olive oil and mash thoroughly until the banana is pureed. (You want a smoothie like texture so you don’t end up with banana chunks in your hair.) Then massage into your hair and scalp. Leave treatment on for 30 minutes then rinse thoroughly and shampoo.

4. Pumpkin + Honey

The perfect use for canned pumpkin leftovers (because there are alwaysleftovers). Pumpkins have lots of amazing benefits – they’re rich in vitamins A and C, beta-carotene, potassium, and zinc. Add 1-2 tablespoons of honey, a natural humectant, to one cup of pumpkin puree and pack as much as you can onto your hair and scalp. You’ll need to either wrap your hair in saran wrap or wear a shower cap to keep the mask in place. Let it sit for at least 15 minutes and then rinse.

5. Cocoa powder

Give brown hair a boost with cocoa powder. According to Whole Living, a combination of cocoa powder, plain yogurt, honey and apple cider vinegar will give you a deeper, richer brown. I couldn’t test this one personally but if you can make bronzer lotion with cocoa powder.

6. Lemon + Chamomile

To warm up ashy blonde hair, try lemon and chamomile tea. Both have long been used as whitening agents for blonde hair. You can do a simple rinse by tilting your head back over the sink and pouring a cup of cooled tea combined with the juice of a lemon over clean, wet hair. Let sit for a couple of minutes and rinse. I also tried this brightening mask that combines tea and lemon with a grated potato. Yes, potato! Shampoo, apply to hair and blow dry hair on low for 2-3 minutes. Then rinse and style. This ended up being more work than I’d want to do on a regular basis but I loved how bright and shiny my hair ended up.

7. Purple Koolaid

Got some brassiness in your blonde locks? Do a rinse with grape-flavored Kool-Aid to get rid of the dreaded orange. Dude, this totally works. I have never had a problem with my hair turning purple (I have heavy blonde highlights not all over color) but if you do see a hint of color, just shampoo again.


8. Sugar water

If your hair is frizzy, try mixing a packet of sugar (about a teaspoon or so) with a cup of water. Pour a bit into your palms then run hands over dry hair. Your hair will get a slight bit of “crunch” and hold because you basically just made homemade hair spray!

9. Aspirin

Residue and product buildup will also dull your hair. The cure is as simple as crushing an aspirin into shampoo! Just add the aspirin powder to a small amount of shampoo and lather up. The salicylic acid in aspirin helps remove buildup and restore shine. You can do this every two weeks. Another remedy: baking soda. Combine a handful of shampoo with one to two tablespoons of baking soda and massage into hair. Warning: I have used baking soda to intentionally strip out hair color (because the color was too dark) so don’t use baking soda on recently colored hair.

10. Apple cider vinegar

An apple cider vinegar rinse helps clarify and smooth hair cuticles – the secret to shiny hair! Combine a tablespoon of vinegar with a 1/2 cup of water and pour over damp hair. Add a couple of drops of essential oil if the smell is too much. Comb through hair, let it sit for five minutes and then rinse. The acidity in the vinegar helps seal the outermost layer of your hair, the cuticles, making it lie flat.
10 HOME MADE HAIR TREATMENTS 10 HOME MADE HAIR TREATMENTS Reviewed by Chandzamarda on February 15, 2019 Rating: 5

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